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"I help you ignite the inspiration within you."


As a coach and mentor, I help others become clear about the strengths that they possess and how to direct them to facilitate change.  I don’t try to change you - I help you open an awareness that opens you to the change you desire.


Awareness is the biggest key to successful living.


There is a comfort in nurturing old familiar habits which stop us from creating new habits.  I help you recognize your strength and together we build paths unique to you.


I listen to who you are and then open your eyes to strengths that you already possess, enabling confidence and awareness to lead you to your goals.


Simply looking into another mirror will change the perception you have of yourself, allowing you to move forward in the direction that you want.  It is simply about envisioning another road that leads you to the place you want to be and the person you want to become.


Changing one’s vision opens up unexpected insights.  When this happens, we are putting our fear of change aside and allowing ourselves to make our goals attainable. 

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